While you patient perusers are waiting for this to download,
here is what you are waiting for.
The top and newest item is only just starting to fade.
It is less than 20 years old, from a defunct Wellington periodical.
The author, a very Creative New Zealander, has a more recent
and more ambitious publication, the novel Joybird. Enjoy!
The following item, from a Trenton, New Jersey, newspaper,
refers to the prison guard shown under Old Photos.
His name is John Jackson Wildblood, not Wildwood.
The next item, posted February 13, 2005,
is the honorable discharge of Louisiana's Eugene Sidney Wildblood
from the United States Army in 1919.
This document was furnished by his daughter, Ruth Martin.
The next item is the record for the burial of the matriarch
of the East Liverpool, Ohio, Wildbloods.
Her children were baptized in Derbyshire,
but we are almost certain she was the Harriet Heathcote
who married Thomas Wildblood in Stoke on Trent.
Most of the Crockery City cemetery records and Review obituaries
are at our disposal, but the author has not yet see any photos of stones from Riverview.
Below, you will find the baptismal certificate of Harold Levi Wildblood
and a letter from his mother, born Bertha Bradbury,
a few months before she died.
He was 10 then, over 80 years have passed,
a lot of water has gone over the falls in the Catskills
and Harold's obituary has been posted.